Sunday, January 06, 2008

Best Motorcycle Products of 2007

Best Motorcycle Products of 2007 - WebBikeWorld

WebBike World's Best Motorcycle Products of 2007 were posted yesterday, and there were some surprises in the bunch.

** If you're not familiar with WebBike World, you probably should be. They have countless reviews and how-to's on motorcycling products, and are usually the first to get a detailed review of products we see here in the US. And best of all, they're un-bised un-solicited reviews from knowledgeable motorcyclists like you and me **

Here are some highlights on the "Best" list that pleasantly surprised me-

2007 Motorcycle Helmet of the Year

The GMAX GM68S helmet.

Goodness, a 100$ helmet?...from a new manufacturer?...Helmet of the year?...holy crap!

2007 Motorcycle Clothing of the Year - Jeans

SHIFT Lowdown Jeans
Pretty impressive considering Jeans, even "ballistic" style are usually looked down upon as inferior protection. Might have to check 'em out.

2007 Motorcycle Tool of the Year

Harbor Freight Gordon LED Flashlight

I was just in Harbor Freight yesterday, and yest they are 4.99$..and built pretty darn well.

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